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utility vehicle 多用途運載工具。


The national insurance crime bureau nicb , a nonprofit insurance organization , said the best - selling accord and camry and other popular vehicles had the best market for stolen parts and illegal export . but the study also said nearly one - third of the top 50 most commonly stolen vehicles in 1999 were sport utility vehicles suv , pickup trucks and mini - vans 多用途運載車pickup trucks :敞蓬小型載貨卡車honda accord toyota camry :本田雅閣,豐田佳美雖然多用運輸車與小型貨車的被盜數量有所增加,但是這兩種日本豪華轎車仍然是小偷們的最愛。

Dutch car dealer peter bijvelds said he had already found buyers for the 200 landwind five - door sports utility vehicles suvs and was confident of selling about 2 , 000 of them this year . a car made by jiangling motors group is on display in the beijing international auto show in this picture taken on june 6 , 2002 據悉,在國家經貿委近日網上發布的國家第98批光盤上,安凱車輛制造有限公司自主研發的hff6950k19和hff6122gk06兩款新車型順利通過國家檢測,取得國家目錄,這意味著這兩款新產品已經正式成為安凱車輛公司“星凱”家族兩員新丁。

Garrison , 26 , was inside his sport utility vehicle when it crashed into a tree in beverly hills at about 11 : 50 p . m . local time , sergeant shan davis said , adding that police were still investigating which of the car ' s four occupants was driving and what caused the collision 警方表示,當地時間12月2日晚11點50分, 26歲的garrison乘坐他的那輛運動型多用途車撞在了比弗利山的一顆樹上。目前,警方正在調查當時誰是汽車的駕駛者以及車禍原因。

Garrison , 26 , was inside his sport utility vehicle when it crashed into a tree in beverly hills at about 11 : 50 p . m . local time , sergeant shan davis said , adding that police were still investigating which of the car s four occupants was driving and what caused the collision 警方表示,當地時間12月2日晚11點50分, 26歲的garrison乘坐他的那輛運動型多用途車撞在了比弗利山的一顆樹上。目前,警方正在調查當時誰是汽車的駕駛者以及車禍原因。

Then , to reduce emissions , planners are focusing initially on “ low - hanging fruit , ” including replacing sport utility vehicles in state government fleets , acquiring more energy - efficient office equipment , and using light - emitting diodes for traffic lights 接下來為了降低排放量,規劃者首先把焦點放在一些唾手可得的事項上,包括把州政府車隊中的運動休旅車替換掉、引入能源使用效率較好的辦公器材,并在交通號志燈中采用發光二極體。

Cheetah feiteng to a sport utility vehicle riders of artificial , so that it focused on urban leisure function both good riders , both dexterous and masculine , i believe fit will be exhilarating scenery of the cross - country fun transmitted to more people 獵豹飛騰把一款越野車的越野特性揮灑的淋漓盡致,它側重于城市休閑兼有良好的越野功能,靈巧與陽剛并存,相信飛騰將會把縱情山水的越野樂趣傳遞給更多的人。

These alternative vehicles were created not by a global automaker but by china ' s small but ambitious car companies , which displayed them sunday alongside gasoline - powered sedans and sport utility vehicles at the start of the shanghai auto show 這些可供選擇的車輛不是由全球汽車制造商制造,而是來自中國的規模不大卻雄心勃勃的汽車公司,周日他們在上海車展上將這種車輛同汽油燃料的轎車和賽車一同展示。

Multicar spezialfahrzeuge gmbh - the society holds further information ready for all inquiries within the ranges recycling , public utilities vehicles , special vehicle as well as for vehicles and refuse collection by mail Multicar spezialfahrzeuge gmbh是一家現代化的、可靠的專門產品供應商,這家供應商從事車輛,市政公用汽車,循環使用,特種車輛,工業機械裝置,街道、軌道和渠道建筑的制造、銷售。

Armed ( 6 ) with a vetmobile - a converted ( 7 ) sport utility vehicle ( 8 ) - and a desire to help cure ailments ( 9 ) in wildlife , veterinarians trude mostue and steve leonard trek ( 10 ) across africa to assist local park staff 開著由休旅車改裝乘的獸醫專車,帶著拯救野生動物的滿腔熱血,獸醫珠達摩斯杜和史帝夫李奧納橫跨整個非洲大陸去協助當地的國家公園人員,進行搶救動物大作戰。

Having dumped the family sport - utility vehicle ( 注釋 1 ) in favour of an energy - efficient prius hybrid and packed the weekly shopping trolley with organic produce , where will the environmentally conscious ethical shopper turn next 丟掉家里的運動型多用途車,購入高效節能混合動力車,每個星期在購物車里裝滿有機產品,那些道德的環境保護主義購物者們又打算關注什么了呢?

The fans congregate around the tailgate of a truck or the back end of a sedan or sports utility vehicle and celebrate the upcoming game with food , drink and animated conversations in support of their favorite team 球迷們聚集在卡車的后欄板、或是轎車和跑車的后門處邊吃東西,喝飲料,邊熱烈地談論自己喜歡的球隊,慶祝即將到來的比賽。

After an inspection , the officers found no leather product but two used luxury left - hand - drive vehicles , including a utility vehicle and a saloon car , estimated to be worth $ 0 . 75 million in total 經檢查后,海關人員發現該貨柜內并無任何皮革產品,卻載有兩輛名貴左?汽車,包括一輛多用途汽車及一輛房車,估計總值達75萬元。

The venture s sales surged almost 160 per cent to 56 , 100 cars in the first quarter of this year from a year ago . the venture will also launch a tucson sport utility vehicle in the first half of this year 作為一家注重投資者回報的上市公司,近5年來平均每股年派現高達0 . 42元稅前,是目前弱勢下穩健投資者的理想投資品種。

“ i want to have some good memories . “ the matases will ride in relaxed comfort in guldeniz ' s sport utility vehicle while their cats ride in the back in their travel cases . a mover will haul their belongings 七十多歲的betty和bob想從紐約搬到亞利桑那州,但是不想讓心愛的貓咪在飛機貨廂中受罪,于是選擇了打車。

“ we will introduce a slew of new own - brand products , including recreational vehicles and sport utility vehicles , in co - operation with foreign automobile design companies , “ xu said “我們將會介紹一個新自己-商標產品的回轉,包括娛樂的車輛和運動的實效車輛,在和外國的汽車設計公司的合作方面, “北越貨幣單位說。

Toyota has recalled more than 1m vehicles in japan this year and last month issued a recall of some 400 , 000 sports - utility vehicles in the us , its single - biggest market 今年,豐田汽車在日本已召回逾100萬輛汽車,而上個月在其最大的市場美國,下令召回約40萬輛運動型多功能車。

A mile travelled by a large truck full of groceries is not the same as a mile travelled by a sport - utility vehicle carrying a bag of salad 跑一英里路,滿載食雜用品的大型卡車與只帶了一袋色拉的休閑越野車所耗能源是截然不同的。

On wednesday , bryant arrived at the courthouse in a sport utility vehicle , got out and said nothing as he walked inside 消息十分靈通。本周三,科比乘坐一輛跑車到達法院,下車后沒有說話直接走進法庭。

On wednesday , bryant arrived at the courthouse in a sport utility vehicle , got out and said nothing as he walked inside 本周三,科比乘坐一輛跑車到達法院,下車后沒有說話直接走進法庭。